The FMRSD Athletic Leadership Committee is hosting an informational meeting on May 17th; 6pm in the high school auditorium to share, and receive, information regarding the possibility of Regional Fall Mountain Middle School sports teams. The concept is for students from our three middle schools to play together prior to attending FMRHS. The structure would be: Boys Soccer - 3 teams Girls Soccer - 3 teams Girls Volleyball - 3 teams Boys Basketball - 3 teams Girls Basketball - 3 teams Boys Baseball - 3 teams Girls Softball - 3 teams Spirit Team - 3 teams The Leadership Committee supports this idea with the understanding that regional teams will provide a better structure for middle school students to interact as team members with peers from throughout the five towns that form our school district. The committee welcomes feedback from parents/guardians and students specific to this idea. If you are unable to attend, please direct your thoughts, or questions, to Mr. Dansereau at:
almost 2 years ago, Vilas
The informational meeting to discuss the pros/cons of future middle school regional athletic teams has been postponed at this time. We will be in contact with a rescheduled date sometime in the next few weeks. We want to make sure everyone has a better understanding of the purpose of the meeting prior to it occurring.
almost 2 years ago, Misty Bushee
Starting off the school year with a USDA Food & Nutrition Service Civil Rights training for our food service program.
over 2 years ago, Fall Mountain Regional School District
staff sitting at tables in training